The Healthier Dancer Programme Conference 2011: 'From Injury to Performance: Lessons to Share in Dance and Sports' programme

The Healthier Dancer Programme Conference for 2011, From Injury to Performance: Lessons to Share in Dance and Sports, was jointly organised by the Royal Society of Medicine and Dance UK to address the causes, impact, effective prevention and management of injuries in elite dance and sport. These two areas have much in common in terms of the demands placed on the human body and mind, and the run-up to the London 2012 Olympics was a great moment to learn from each other.
View the conference abstracts and biographies
Conference steering committee
- Dr David Misselbrook, (chair) Dean, RSM
- Mr Nick Allen, Birmingham Royal Ballet
- Ms Sally Brooker, Healthier Dancer Programme Manager, Dance UK
- Dr Richard Budgett, Clinical Director, Olympic Medical Institute Northwick Park Hospital
- Dr Richard Hull, Immediate Past President, Section of Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, RSM
- Ms Helen Laws, Healthier Dancer Programme Manager, Dance UK
- Miss Nicole Leida, Events Team Manager, RSM
- Dr Mike Losemoore, President, Section of Sports and Exercise Medicine
- Mrs Caroline Miller, Director, Dance UK
- Dr Sanna Nordin, Dance Psychology Researcher, Laban, and Freelance Consultant
- Mrs Jo Parkinson, Director of Education and Professional Development, RSM
- Dr Emma Redding, Head of Dance Science, Laban
- Dr Roger Wolman, Consultant in Rheumatology and SEM, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Who is this for? Health and Wellbeing
Created on 04 July 2023