U.Dance First

U.Dance First platforms are performances presenting dance work featuring children and young people from more than one school or group aged 5-11, in communities up and down the UK.

What is U.Dance First? 

U.Dance First platforms are performances presenting dance work featuring children and young people from more than one school or group aged 5-11, in communities up and down the UK. This new strand places emphasis on providing performance opportunities for primary-aged children, helping to address the current lack of specific dance provision and high-quality non-competitive platforms for younger children. During the 2023/24 academic year we have been establishing U.Dance First platforms in each of the U.Dance regions, before opening applications for platforms more widely in 2024/25. 


Who is U.Dance First for? 

Predominantly U.Dance First platforms are aimed at primary school children aged 5-11 years old. The events serve as an inspiring introduction to performing in front of a live audience and provide a unique opportunity for them to share their work with peers in other schools and/or settings whilst developing knowledge of what dance is. The U.Dance First strand specifically aims to champion dance created in school settings; however the platforms should also be open to out of school and community groups – The U.Dance programme is for everyone! 


What does a U.Dance First platform look like?  

U.Dance First events are all about celebrating young people’s dance and sharing work in a non-competitive environment. The exact content and delivery of a U.Dance First platform may vary from event to event. However, each platform must commit to including: 

  • An allocated technical rehearsal for each performance group.
  • A full dress rehearsal of the performance for all groups. 
  • At least one ticketed performance (there may be multiple performances across one day or a weekend). 

Ideally each U.Dance First event will also include timetabled workshops/classes for young people to participate in. In addition to the activities listed above, it is a requirement that all platforms agree to the policies and procedures set out by One Dance UK around safeguarding, inclusion, First Aid, and best practice. 


One Dance UK Support Package

We want to support both existing and new platforms hosted by partner schools and/or by organisations. We are offering a free support package to assist all U.Dance First hosts, consisting of: 


Delivery of a CPD session to group leaders

Ttaking place before (online) OR during the event day (live) The CPD session can be selected to meet the needs of group leaders, with a choice of:  

  • ‘Bringing out the best in young dancers’.  
  • ‘Introduction to primary dance’. 
  • ‘Dance advocacy - creating a strong dance culture in your school’. 


Dance Ambassador support 

  • In-person support from one of our amazing One Dance UK Dance Ambassadors (Aged 18-25). Our Dance Ambassadors will work in a voluntary capacity for the duration of the event day and could help: prepare the space and set up, register groups, act as runners between pieces and other supportive, operational roles, to ensure the smooth running of your event. 


Something for the host 

  • A tote bag of goodies for the platform host to show our gratitude for their amazing work.  
  • Entry into a prize draw to win a free One Dance UK membership and a gift bag of One Dance UK merchandise – to be drawn on the day of the event. 


Something for the platform 

  • The chance to feature in the One Dance UK Education bulletin - spotlighting your event and the incredible work of your young people.  
  • Our support - A thank you postcard for the group leaders with links to advocacy resources.  
  • Social media promotion of your event from our dedicated Comms team at One Dance UK. 


Certificates for each group performing 

  • To celebrate your young people's participation in the platform. 

Contact us!


If you would like to find out more about U.Dance First or register your interest for the 2024/2025 academic year please email:



teenage male dance teacher lunging with one arm in the air teaching young boy dancer lunging with the mirrored arm in the air. In sports hall both wearing black PE kit