Little Big Dance Festival Symposium

  • Location: The Dance Space and Brighton Dome
  • Cost: £50


  • 19 Feb 24
  • 20 Feb 24

Start Time: 9:00AM

End Time: 5:00PM

Cost: £50

Are you interested in creating or programming intriguing, enthralling and innovative dance performance for Early Years audiences? 

Would you like to join fellow artists, programmers and producers from across the world to see shows, listen to panels and take part in discussions about current trends in the making, presenting and experiencing of contemporary performance for 0 – 5 year olds?

Let’s come together to talk about how child-led creative processes and collaborative partnerships can help us all make exciting work that harnesses the magic of dance to develop fresh approaches and ideas for new audiences.

Presented in partnership with Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival and featuring a keynote presentation from project evaluator Professor Angela Pickard, Little Big Dance Festival and Symposium is the culmination of the Little Big Dance project. Launched in 2019 Little Big Dance is led by South East Dance in partnership with DanceEast, Take Art and Yorkshire Dance.

Click the 'Book Now' button to buy your two-day delegate pass.

Full timetable and details of performances and speakers below. Travel and accommodation information will be announced shortly. Keep your eyes peeled on the South East Dance website and social media pages for updates. 

Little Big Dance is funded by Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Arts Council England, and co-commissioned by Dance Umbrella and Strike A Light. 


Monday 19 February  

10-10.30am |  Arrival and coffee | Brighton Dome Founders Room

10.30-10.45am | Welcome by Cath James, Artistic Director South East Dance | Brighton Dome Founders Room

10.45-11.15am | Keynote by Professor Angela Pickard, LBD evaluator | Brighton Dome Founders Room

11.30-12.15pm | Club Origami by Takeshi Matsumoto (public performance) | Brighton Dome Studio Theatre  

12.30-1.30pm | Lunch break  

1.30-2.30pm | Windows on New Work - Hear ideas for new work in development from artists involved in the Little Big Dance lab, facilitated by Little Big Dance partner, Lucy Bayliss | The Dance Space  

2.30-3.30pm | It's OK by George Fellows (public performance) | The Dance Space  

4-5.30pm | The Children Know Best - Learning from and with 0-5 Year Olds (panel discussion) | The Dance Space  

5.30-5.45pm | Today's round up | The Dance Space  


Tuesday 20 February 

9-9.30am | Refreshments | Brighton Dome Founders Room

9.30-10.45am | Now and Next: What’s Happening and How Can we Help (panel discussion) | Brighton Dome Founders Room

11-11.45am | Choogh Choogh by Anusha Subramanyam (public performance) | Brighton Dome Studio Theatre 

12-1pm | Windows on New Work facilitated by Little Big Dance dramaturg, Lou Cope | Brighton Dome Founders Room

1-2pm | Lunch break

2-2.45pm | Skydiver by Xenia Aidonopoulou (public performance) The Dance Space  

2.45-3pm | Tea break |  The Dance Space  

3-4.30pm | Looking Back to Move Forwards - Little Big Dance dramaturg Lou Cope will facilitate a session for all delegates to reflect on the most potent issues and conversations of the festival & symposium | The Dance Space  

4.30-5pm | Little Big Dance legacy and closing remarks with Cath James Artistic Director, South East Dance | The Dance Space  

5pm | Celebration Drinks | The Dance Space 

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