Claire Hampson

Practitioner Types: Bowen Technique


I am a Bowen therapist offering a clinic on a Saturday 9-5pm at the Wilkes Academy.
I thoroughly enjoy working with dance students to support their bodies with their training programs and I am constantly amazed with how effective the Bowen Technique can be in assisting students if they are in pain or have a limited range of movement (ROM).
Bowtech © - the Original Bowen Technique, as devised by founder Tom Bowen can be described as a series of specific moves over muscle and soft tissue (fascia) to help re-align the body. These moves are designed to adjust tension levels and stimulate the body’s own healing powers to re-balance and restore health.

In this way Bowen differs from physiotherapy and other modalities, which often involve physical manipulation to address muscle strain, injury or relieve pain. The Bowen Technique is a gentle, non-invasive treatment is suitable for all and includes unique characteristic 'pauses’ in between the Bowen moves. Depending on the needs of the individual 2-3 sessions can sometimes resolve the problem or alternatively the therapist will advise a series of visits to manage a more complex issue.

The Bowen Technique has been shown to have an extraordinary effect on a variety of ailments with back, neck and shoulder problems responding particularly well. It can also help with headache, stress, digestive problems, neurological conditions and RSI (repetitive strain injury). In Bowen therapy, as well as working on the muscles, we work on the fascia to address levels of tension and discomfort a client is experiencing and aim to achieve:

Improved posture and flexibility
Pain relief
Improved mobility
and clients often state they feel less stressed following a treatment.

The Bowen Technique may help improve performance and aid recovery from, or help to reduce the risk of, injury. Dance requires a balance in the musculature of your body for optimum performance and therefore any imbalance between left and right or front and back demands more energy from the body to compensate. Bowen aims to help you improve performance, allowing the muscles and nervous system to re-align and reset the unnecessary tension, increasing range, power and energy.

Facilitating access: 

The clinic itself is situated on the ground floor with a step-free access to the quiet treatment room and other facilities. There is a small café behind the Wilkes Academy that is open on a Saturday if you require refreshments whilst attending an appointment with me.

Dance Style: Aerial Dance,Circus,Classical Ballet,Contemporary,Interpretive Dance,Jazz,Musical theatre,Street,Tap

Professional Details

Professional Bodies

  • The Bowen Association UK


Clinic Name: Wilkes Academy

Address: 1 Westmead Industrial Estate
Westmead Drive


