Q&A Session: Careers in Dance, Supporting Young Artists of Global Majority

  • Date: 29 Oct 24
  • Location: Online
  • Cost: FREE

Date: 29 Oct 24

Start Time: 4:30pm

End Time: 5:30pm

Cost: FREE

Are you an aspiring young person considering a career in dance, or, early on in your career and looking for inspiration?
Join us for an online Q&A session where we will talk with incredible Global Majority dance artists working in different roles across the sector. They will provide an up-close look at their personal journey and offer tips on how to best navigate challenges, whilst shining a light on the breadth of career roles in dance.
The phrase Global Majority includes, but is not limited to people of African, North African, South Asian, South-East Asian, East Asian, Caribbean, Latinx, Middle Eastern, Native American, Native Australian, Pacific Islanders, Roma and Traveller heritage or diaspora. It also refers to people who have experienced racism, marginalisation or being ‘othered’ due to the colour of their skin or ethnicity.
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